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NP Vernal Pool Trail Site

42° 4.804'N, 75° 57.717'W

This site is one of the largest vernal pools on the Binghamton University campus.  It is located in a forested area and is easy to find alongside the "Vernal Pool" trail in the Nature Preserve.


In early spring, wood frogs can be heard calling from this site (check out stop 3 to learn more about wood frogs). Spotted salamanders also use this particular pool. Spotted salamanders spend most of their time underground but if you are out on this hike during their breeding season (March-May), you might be lucky enough to see one making its way over land to the pool!


Forested vernal pool in late summer. This is one of the larger vernal pools on campus and even in late summer tends to have some standing water present.


Another view of the eastern side of this large vernal pool

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