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Vernal Pool Hike

Binghamton University has a number of Vernal Pools located in natural areas around campus. Vernal pools are seasonal wetlands and are tremendously important habitats for a variety of native amphibians


This hike is a fun trip to take at any time of the year (can you spot the sites in the summer when the water level may be low or completely dry?) But perhaps one of the most exciting and interesting times to go is in the spring, when you are likely to hear a delightful chorus of amphibian song and spot hundreds of gelatinous egg masses deposited in the wetland waters. The lovely songs and thousands of eggs are all a result of the annual spring mating season of these fantastic creatures! 


Learn more about Vernal Pools: View an illustrated guide HERE.

Some of the sounds you might hear on a springtime hike: Spring peeper (top) and wood frog chorus (bottom)

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