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Bartle Wetland

42°05'41.43" N  75°58'03.55" W

Campus's second constructed wetland, the Bartle wetland complex, was built to catch runoff channeled primarily by an artificial storm drain network that collects water from the developed north-western portion of the Binghamton University campus. Like Lake Lieberman, the Bartle wetlands help mitigate and attenuate the high magnitude, fast response flows during storms that would otherwise flow directly into Fuller Hollow Creek.


Initial planting within the wetlands  occurred in summer 2018 with assistance from students and faculty!  Students are now monitoring plant survival rates, and additional plants were added to the wetland in summer 2019 and 2021. Researchers are particularly interested in determining if salt tolerant species will displace species that prefer freshwater as the system “ages”.



View of the Bartle Wetlands during shrub planting in Summer 2018. 

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View of the Bartle Wetlands in Summer 2021 from same vantage point as above.

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